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¥15,366 ¥18,440 税込


New customer gift package
  • ブランド: K&F Concept
  • K&F Concept ライブトレイルカメラ をオンラインで購入、オフィシャルストアオンライン、全国送料無料
  • KF35.14301
  • 品番: KF35.14301
  • 15366





Kentfaithのアイテムは「品質保証」をお楽しみいただけます。 購入した商品に品質上の問題や非使用者による問題があり、「品質保証」を享受している場合、ケントフェイスは包括的なアフターサービスを提供します。



  • * ビデオ映像の記録: 監視、キャプチャ、監視、フィルム、ドキュメント、追跡、観察、記録、追跡、監視、検出、通知、メモ、ログ、画像、映像、視力、表示、スパイ、テープ。
  • * 写真を撮る: 写真、スナップ、撮影、写真、描写、画像、印刷、キャプチャ、記録、フリーズ、コピー、複製、複製、ドキュメント、アーカイブ、撮影、印刷、フォーカス、画像。
  • * 動きの検出: 監視、警告、検出、識別、追跡、通知、追跡、追跡、観察、識別、信号、通知、評価、参照、スキャン、スポット、測定、ピックアップ、位置特定、調査。
  • * 感度の調整: 調整、設定、調整、変更、調整、適応、制御、変更、構成、操作、変更、変更、調整、調整、調整、カスタマイズ、シフト、変調、増幅、微調整。
  • * データの保存: 保存、保存、アーカイブ、保持、保持、登録、ログ、ファイル、保存、収集、登録、キャッシュ、ドキュメント、保持、予約、維持、保護、





Kentfaithのアイテムは「品質保証」をお楽しみいただけます。 購入した商品に品質上の問題や非使用者による問題があり、「品質保証」を享受している場合、ケントフェイスは包括的なアフターサービスを提供します。



トレイル カメラは、野生生物を監視し、ゲームを追跡し、野外活動の思い出を記録するのに最適な方法です。テクノロジーの最新の進歩により、トレイルカメラの信頼性が向上し、使いやすくなり、これまで以上に優れた品質の画像を提供できるようになりました。最高のトレイルカメラは、野生生物の見事な画像をキャプチャし、エリアを監視したり、ゲームを追跡したりするための優れた方法を提供します. さまざまなニーズに合わせて、さまざまな形状、サイズ、機能が用意されています。このガイドでは、利用可能な最高のトレイルカメラ、その機能、およびそれらを使用する利点の概要を説明します.


1. 暗視機能を備えた高解像度カメラ: 一流のトレイル カメラの多くは、暗い場所でも鮮明な画像を撮影できる暗視機能を備えた高解像度カメラを提供しています。

2. Long-lasting batteries: Many of the best trail cameras come with long-lasting batteries that can last for months at a time.

3. Motion sensors: Many of the top-rated trail cameras feature motion sensors that are sensitive enough to detect even the slightest movement and trigger the camera to take a picture or video.

4. Fast trigger speeds: Most of the best trail cameras come with fast trigger speeds so that you don’t miss out on capturing any action.

5. Wide-angle lens: Many of the top-rated cameras come with wide-angle lenses that allow you to capture a larger area.

6. Waterproof: Many of the top-rated trail cameras are waterproof so that they can be used in wet conditions without fear of damage.

7. Infrared flash: Many of the best trail cameras come with infrared flash technology to help ensure clear images in dark conditions.

 Advantages of top rated trail cameras:

1. High Quality Images and Video: Top rated trail cameras are equipped with high quality sensors and lenses, providing clear, crisp images and videos with excellent image detail.

2. Long Battery Life: Many top rated trail cameras can run for months on just one set of batteries, meaning you won’t have to worry about constantly replacing batteries.

3. High Trigger Speeds: Many top rated trail cameras have lightning-fast trigger speeds, meaning they can detect motion and capture an image or video in the blink of an eye.

4. Night Vision: Most top rated trail cameras come equipped with infrared night vision capabilities, allowing them to capture images and videos in complete darkness.

5. Durability: Top rated trail cameras are designed to be rugged and durable, capable of withstanding harsh elements and extreme temperatures.

6. User-Friendly: Many top rated trail cameras come with intuitive user interfaces, making them incredibly easy to setup and use.

7. Connectivity: Top rated trail cameras are often equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to access your images and videos from anywhere with an internet connection.

Application Scenario of top rated trail cameras:

Trail cameras have become a popular tool for hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, and property owners to monitor their land and gather data about the wildlife that inhabits it. Here is an application scenario for one of the top-rated trail cameras on the market:

1. Property owners can set up the trail camera in any area to take pictures of any wildlife that might be in the area.

2. Hunters can use the camera to monitor game activity and movements in different parts of their hunting grounds.

3. Wildlife enthusiasts can use the camera to capture and observe different species in their natural habitats.

4. Homeowners can set up the camera to keep an eye on their property and monitor any unauthorized activity.

5. Law enforcement agencies can use the camera to monitor sensitive areas or to track wildlife poachers.

6. Researchers can use the camera to collect data on various wildlife species and their habitats for scientific studies.

Accessories of the top rated trail cameras and their functions:

1. Batteries: Batteries are essential for powering a trail camera. The type of battery used will vary depending on the camera model and brand.

2. Security Boxes: Security boxes are used to protect the camera from theft and vandalism.

3. Solar Panels: Solar panels allow the camera to be powered by solar power, eliminating the need for batteries to be replaced.

4. Memory Cards: Memory cards are used to store photos and videos taken with the camera.

5. Mounting Brackets: Mounting brackets are used to secure the camera to a tree or post.

6. Flash Extenders: Flash extenders are used to increase the range of the camera’s flash.

7. Motion Sensors: Motion sensors allow the camera to detect motion and trigger the camera to take photos or videos.

8. Timers: Timers are used to set the camera to take photos or videos at specific time intervals.

9. 赤外線イルミネーター: 赤外線イルミネーターにより、カメラは暗い場所でも写真やビデオを撮影できます。












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